
Overview of Sigma packages


The Sigma App is a package (a single file) containing:

  1. A manifest file
  2. Installation files

The manifest file describes the App ID, version and contents. Basically the file is a ZIP file, containing at least a file called install.xml, which is a manifest file describing everything else in the package. The extension of the file must be .sigmapackage (instead of .zip).

Package files can be manually installed in Sigma by:

  • Specifying the filename on the Sigma command line.
  • Dragging a package file onto Sigma.
  • Double-clicking on a package file in the Windows Shell.

Installation actions are logged to a file named install.log located in the destination folder.
A typical way to structure the package (zip) file is:

root folder
    |--my pricebook.sli
    |--my template.sit

Below is an example install.xml file. Complete documentation is found here: Package API

Install.xml example file

    <name>My App Name</name>
    <description>A short description of the App</description>
    <authorName>My Company Inc</authorName>
        <action type="copy">
            <target>myapp.sigmabundle</target> <!-- File renamed on install, folder defaults to %install% -->
            <replace>yes</replace> <!-- Always replace -->
		 <action type="copy">
            <target>%sigma_datapath%\template.xlsx</target> <!-- File renamed on install, folder defaults to %install% -->
            <replace>yes</replace> <!-- Always replace -->
		 <action type="copy">
            <target>%sigma_sharedlibpath%\MyApp\pricebook.sli</target> <!-- File renamed on install, folder defaults to %install% -->
            <replace>yes</replace> <!-- Always replace -->
        <action type="restart"/> <!-- Restart Sigma --> 