TSigmaField Enumeration
Represents type TSigmaField
type TSigmaField = (tcNumber, tcDamagePercentageSelected, tcText, tcOperation, tcCategory, tcUnits, tcNote, tcMark, tcQuantityUnregulated, tcAbsoluteQuantityUnregulated, tcQuantityRegulation, tcQuantity, tcAbsoluteQuantity, tcQuantityMin, tcQuantityTyp, tcQuantityMax, tcUnitPrice, tcUnitPriceMin, tcUnitPriceTyp, tcUnitPriceMax, tcCostPrice, tcItemPrice, tcRegCostPrice, tcAbsoluteRegCostPrice, tcRegulation, tcSalesPriceContributionAdjustment, tcUnitIncome, tcStdSpread, tcPriority, tcRemain, tcRemainPercentage, tcNowValue, tcNowValuePercentage, tcLegalCost, tcLegalCostPercentage, tcCurrency, tcCompareUnitPrice, tcCompareTotalPrice, tcAbsoluteComparePrice, tcPosition, tcFlags, tcProductionRate, tcProductionUnit, tcProductionUnitPrice, tcKeyWords, tcDamage, tcDamagePercentage, tcDamageQuantity, tcNowValueFollowPercentage, tcDamageNowValue, tcDamageBase, tcDamageBaseNowValue, tcServiceUnitPrice, tcServiceTotalPrice, tcUnitTime, tcTotalTime, tcCostPriceContribution1, tcCostPriceContribution2, tcCostPriceContribution3, tcCostPriceContribution4, tcCostPriceContribution5, tcCostPriceWithContribution, tcAbsoluteCostPriceWithContribution, tcSalesPriceContribution1, tcSalesPriceContribution2, tcSalesPriceContribution3, tcSalesPriceContribution4, tcSalesPriceContribution5, tcUnitSalesPrice, tcSalesPrice, tcAbsoluteSalesPrice, tcTotalIncome, tcAbsoluteTotalIncome, tcTotalProfitMargin, tcReallocatedIncome, tcRounding, tcDependency, tcSalesPriceBeforeDiscount, tcAbsoluteSalesPriceBeforeDiscount, tcDiscountContribution1, tcDiscountContribution2, tcDiscountContribution3, tcDiscountContribution4, tcDiscountContribution5, tcDiscountContributionPercentage, tcDiscountContributionAdjustment, tcTotalDiscountPercentage, tcTotalDiscountAmount);
The TSigmaField type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
tcAbsoluteComparePrice | Represents constant | |
tcAbsoluteCostPriceWithContribution | Represents constant | |
tcAbsoluteQuantity | Represents constant | |
tcAbsoluteQuantityUnregulated | Represents constant | |
tcAbsoluteRegCostPrice | Represents constant | |
tcAbsoluteSalesPrice | Represents constant | |
tcAbsoluteSalesPriceBeforeDiscount | Represents constant | |
tcAbsoluteTotalIncome | Represents constant | |
tcCategory | Represents constant | |
tcCompareTotalPrice | Represents constant | |
tcCompareUnitPrice | Represents constant | |
tcCostPrice | Represents constant | |
tcCostPriceContribution1 | Represents constant | |
tcCostPriceContribution2 | Represents constant | |
tcCostPriceContribution3 | Represents constant | |
tcCostPriceContribution4 | Represents constant | |
tcCostPriceContribution5 | Represents constant | |
tcCostPriceWithContribution | Represents constant | |
tcCurrency | Represents constant | |
tcDamage | Represents constant | |
tcDamageBase | Represents constant | |
tcDamageBaseNowValue | Represents constant | |
tcDamageNowValue | Represents constant | |
tcDamagePercentage | Represents constant | |
tcDamagePercentageSelected | Represents constant | |
tcDamageQuantity | Represents constant | |
tcDependency | Represents constant | |
tcDiscountContribution1 | Represents constant | |
tcDiscountContribution2 | Represents constant | |
tcDiscountContribution3 | Represents constant | |
tcDiscountContribution4 | Represents constant | |
tcDiscountContribution5 | Represents constant | |
tcDiscountContributionAdjustment | Represents constant | |
tcDiscountContributionPercentage | Represents constant | |
tcFlags | Represents constant | |
tcItemPrice | Represents constant | |
tcKeyWords | Represents constant | |
tcLegalCost | Represents constant | |
tcLegalCostPercentage | Represents constant | |
tcMark | Represents constant | |
tcNote | Represents constant | |
tcNowValue | Represents constant | |
tcNowValueFollowPercentage | Represents constant | |
tcNowValuePercentage | Represents constant | |
tcNumber | Represents constant | |
tcOperation | Represents constant | |
tcPosition | Represents constant | |
tcPriority | Represents constant | |
tcProductionRate | Represents constant | |
tcProductionUnit | Represents constant | |
tcProductionUnitPrice | Represents constant | |
tcQuantity | Represents constant | |
tcQuantityMax | Represents constant | |
tcQuantityMin | Represents constant | |
tcQuantityRegulation | Represents constant | |
tcQuantityTyp | Represents constant | |
tcQuantityUnregulated | Represents constant | |
tcReallocatedIncome | Represents constant | |
tcRegCostPrice | Represents constant | |
tcRegulation | Represents constant | |
tcRemain | Represents constant | |
tcRemainPercentage | Represents constant | |
tcRounding | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPrice | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPriceBeforeDiscount | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPriceContribution1 | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPriceContribution2 | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPriceContribution3 | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPriceContribution4 | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPriceContribution5 | Represents constant | |
tcSalesPriceContributionAdjustment | Represents constant | |
tcServiceTotalPrice | Represents constant | |
tcServiceUnitPrice | Represents constant | |
tcStdSpread | Represents constant | |
tcText | Represents constant | |
tcTotalDiscountAmount | Represents constant | |
tcTotalDiscountPercentage | Represents constant | |
tcTotalIncome | Represents constant | |
tcTotalProfitMargin | Represents constant | |
tcTotalTime | Represents constant | |
tcUnitIncome | Represents constant | |
tcUnitPrice | Represents constant | |
tcUnitPriceMax | Represents constant | |
tcUnitPriceMin | Represents constant | |
tcUnitPriceTyp | Represents constant | |
tcUnits | Represents constant | |
tcUnitSalesPrice | Represents constant | |
tcUnitTime | Represents constant |